The Everyday Shaman
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What is Energy Medicine?
In this course, you'll learn the basics of energy medicine and forms of energy healing.
Course Price
Course length
1.5 Hours
Quieting the Mind
In this course, you will learn methods to slow your thinking mind. By quieting your mind, you will be able to 'go within' more easily, allowing you to discern truth from ego.
Course Price
Course length
1.5 Hours
Spiritual Protection
Learn to protect yourself from toxic energies that can manifest as physical and psychological illness.
Course Price
Course length
2 Hours
Smudging and Home and Land Cleansing
In this course, you'll learn the basics of smudging, what smudging accomplishes, different varieties of smudge ingredients, and how to properly smudge your home, office, self, and land.
Course Price
Course length
1.5 Hours
The Divine and The Darkness
Learn how to discern between the Light and the Dark, including the Shadow. Discover what each offers energetically and personally.
Course Price
Course length
2 Hours
Forms of Shamanic Practice
Shamanism is not a religion, but a practice. Learn about the differences in Light Work, Shadow Work, Dark Work, Soul Retrieval, and more!
Course Price
Course length
2 Hours
Usui Reiki 1
This course follows the ICRT Usui Reiki 1 curriculum (Includes textbook)
Course Price
Course length
10 Hours
Usui Reiki 2
This Course follows the ICRT Usui Reiki 2 Curriculum (includes textbook) Completion of Reiki 1 required.
Course Price
Course length
10 Hours
Usui Reiki Advanced
This course follows the ICRT Usui Reiki Advanced Curriculum (includes textbook) Completion of Reiki 1 and 2 required.
Course Price
Course length
10 Hours
Usui Reiki Master Course
This course follows the ICRT Usui Reiki Master course curriculum (Reiki 1, 2, and Advanced required) Includes textbook and completion certificate.
Course Price
Course length
8 Hours